Welcome to the website and blog for my game, Welcome to Sysifus Corp!
I used to work for a large corporation as a technical consultant—basically a glorified tech support agent. I hated how soul-sucking the job felt. I have distinct memories of sitting in conference rooms, muted on the speaker phone, and staring at my networth chart tick up and down on mint.com.
So I decided to quit and chase my dream of making a game.
Hi! I am Wonmin—the ex-corporate slave turned game designer.
And what better theme for my first game than the old corporate job that I just left behind? Many of the little jokes, tiny details, and card names in this game is derived from my personal experiences and the experiences of people I’ve met along the way.
Thanks to all the amazing support of my friends, family, mentors, and internet strangers. I was able to make my dream a reality by successfully Kickstarting the game in March of 2021.
I just want to say from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for helping make my dreams come true. I could not have done this without your support.
– Wonmin Lee, Game Designer
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