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Win free shipping!
If you can solve the following puzzle, I will give you a coupon for free shipping for my board game.
No strings attached. No signups. No tricks. Just a good ol' fashioned puzzle.
If you are on a computer, you can use the arrow keys to navigate.
Click here to start

Moves left : 3
"1 move" moves you by 1 tile. 2 moves, 2 tiles. etc.
Company Influence (
) : 0
Used to pay for the Office Politics ( ) cards in your hand.
Some effects require additional cards as added payment.
Capped at 5 influence.
Office Politics cards (
) in hand:
Special ability cards that can alter the cards on the board.
For use any time on your turn. Click to view details.
Use effect →
Use effect →
✓ Click here for more details

Check out the interactive tutorial
It should take less than 5 minutes to learn.