Hello everybody! It’s been a while since I made an update that pertains to this blog / website. So what’s a better time than now!
Today I finished the preorder button that you can see on this website (or at this link). It took a few hours of digging through a bunch of documentation but I finally managed to get it working.
I wanted to integrate Stripe Checkout in a way that would allow me to charge shipping. At first, I was using Stripe payment links to create a simple URL that let users purchase copies of the game, but unfortunately it doesn’t let me add shipping rates to it. So that meant that I needed to find some way to get Stripe Checkout to work with my static website or I will be forced to find some sort of backend solution.
Here comes Netlify functions!
Some random promotional image from Netlify so that I can have a picture for this blog post.
I had to first migrate my website from Github pages to Netlify. Which I highly recommend. Specifically this blog post was extremely helpful. Now I can take advantage of the really flexible Netlify functions to integrate Stripe to this website.
If you have a static website but need just a few functions for various APIs out there, I highly highly suggest migrating to Netlify to take advantage of their functions capability. Not only do I not have to manage all of the backend routing and mumbo-jumbo, I can just keep my existing static Jekyll content and just add on top of it. Amazing.