So with just a little under 48 hours left in the campaign, I’d like to show you guys the latest update to the game box. It was a huge hassle to have to change the box mid-way through the campaign but the previous box’s unusual dimensions meant that the shipping costs would be way too high.
Click here to preview what the box looks like.
Here’s a GIF of the box in a 3D viewer! Click to play around with it yourself!
It’s finally finished and everything should be good for final proofing with the manufacturer. Hopefully within the next week everything can begin. Really depends on how fast Kickstarter can get the funds to my bank account and how fast I can get the deposit to my manufacturer.
What do you think about the new square box design? It measures 10in x 10in x 2in (about 508mm x 508mm x 50.8mm)
We’re in the final stretch of the campaign! Thank you to everyone who backed and let’s finish this strong!