Here’s an example of a custom Office Politics card that a backer, Nick, helped me create. When I asked him to give me a little blurb about himself, this is what he told me:
A 100% custom Office Politics card just for Nick!
Message from Nick, taken with his permission.
Add your own little flavor text on the bottom of the card!
And from that I was able to create this custom card for him!
If you are interested in getting your very own custom Office Politics Card, please consider adding the addon to your pledge!
Get your very own custom Office Politics Card!
And as always, thank you so much for all your support and comments. We have just over a week left in the campaign and if everyone could just tell one of your friends about the game, I’m sure we’d hit the 20k mark in no time!
Please let me know in the comments what you think about Nick’s custom card. 😊