Hello! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted anything and that’s 1000% my laziness at fault. Not going to lie, I haven’t been 100% focused on this game for the good part of this past half-year.
But that’s going to change starting now.
Why Sysifus Corp?
For the dozens of readers who may be wondering what happened to the old name (Path of Good Intent), let me introduce to you, the new and improved name and logo of the game.
Welcome to Sysifus Corp–where we are always pushing our way to the top.
The name “Sysifus” is based on the Greek myth “Sisyphus”–the king who was punished by the Gods to push a boulder up a hill for the rest of time. Very fitting with the overall message I wanted to deliver with this game.
The logo is also representative of the 3 Bosses that you must suck-up to in the game. It’s also a modern-art minimalist depiction of Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill.
The design for the Game Box
Armed with my new knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, I also created a cardboard box for my game. Here is what that looks like!
Here’s your official Sysifus Corp briefcase.
New illustrations for the Office Politics cards
Back in February, I talked about using free illustrations off the Internet and whether or not that would be a commercially viable method.
What I ended up doing was hiring an illustrator off of fiverr to mimic the existing free art to create original illustrations. Then I tweaked them to achieve the current cards using Adobe Illustrator.
All Office Politics Cards.
Here are some close-ups of a few cards.
There are some powerful Office Politics in play at this office.
If you are trying to design your own game, I highly suggest you learn to use Illustrator as it can save you so much time and money by doing simple tweaks yourself instead of going back-and-forth with your hired artist / illustrator.
Rulebook and the Game Board
The rulebook is finally in a state where I am confident in sharing it with the public. Please check it out! Any and all feedback is appreciated!
Additionally, here’s what the game board looks like currently! Like the Office Politics Cards, I hired a freelance illustrator from fiverr and then tweaked the final image myself to create this.
Welcome to the office of Sysifus Corp.
Game marketing updates
Please follow our Instagram page if you haven’t already for sneak peaks at the development process!
General thoughts
In terms of the game mechanics, I am pretty content with the current build. Just a few more number tweaks and balance changes and I think it’ll be ready for production.
Fingers crossed for a commercially viable product within the next coming weeks!
The only things left to design are the game sleeve for the box and various illustrations for use on the website / marketing.
Thank you for reading the Autumn update for Welcome to Sysifus Corp. Tune in next month for more updates!