Welcome to our first ever blog post for our new board game–Welcome to Sysifus Corp. What better way to kick things off than to introduce the team and explain our goals for this blog.
Hello! We are Wonmin and Grace.
Hello! My name is Wonmin (pronounced like 1 minute). I am based in NYC and am currently 27 years old. My duties include:
- designing the game mechanics
- writing blog posts
- and a billion other odd tasks
I am joined by my amazing designer friend, Grace! She is based in Boston and is currently 25 years old. Her duties include:
- making stuff look beautiful (not this blog)
- drawing graphics / pictures
- and another billion other odd tasks
UPDATE (2019/01/11) - Grace has officially left! Thank you for all of your help!
This blog serves to document the process of creating a board game from scratch. A place to record all of the ups & downs, our innermost secrets or fears, and the blood / sweat / tears that go into creating a tangible product.
We’d like to thank you for visiting and welcome you along on our journey. We’re not 100% sure how it’ll turn out, but it’s bound to be a fun adventure and hopefully we can create something amazing together.